Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Certification Seminar

WAC May 23 Seminar

The Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Certification Seminar will be reinstated this May.  If you need to be certified to teach the COAS Third Writing course, then this seminar is for you.  Instructors who are already WAC Certified are also welcome community members in this space.


Join a community of instructors committed to engaging in dialogue about discipline-specific, writing pedagogy.
This seminar will provide an interactive learning space and resources to design contemporary writing content for your courses.

Module 1 - Writing to Learn Pedagogy
Module 2 - Writing in Your Field
Module 3 - Assessment Strategies

The seminar will meet via zoom from 10-noon on May 16th, 17th, and 18th.

For more information or to register, email marina.delsol@howard.edu.


Department Annoucements